Page History: Installation
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Page Revision: 2011/05/09 15:11
T4 has been designed to install very quickly and easily. Just follow the instructions below. If you have any questions please contact your Administrator.
1. Login to the website and use the details provided by your Administrator.
2. Click Downloads from the left navigation pane.
3. Click the T4ClientLive.exe or T4ClientSim.exe link in the main page to begin the T4 install.
Note: On some older systems the install will prompt you to install Windows Framework 1.1 and/or Framework 1.1 Sp1. Framework 1.1 and Framework 1.1Sp1 are required to run T4 and are recommended windows updates.
4. Click Open or Run to begin the T4 download and follow the online instructions.
Note: If you didn’t click Open or Run, but rather you saved the file to your machine, a double click on the file downloaded will be required to continue the install.
5. Click the shortcut created on the desktop or under Start => Programs => T4.
6. Login to the system using the same details you used to login to the T4 Website.
7. If you have any problems performing the install then please contact your Administrator.